For me sex always meant peace, although euphoria and desire are always the protagonist, the feeling of peace within me has always been one of my favorite sensations… but the truth is that not everyone can feel free or doesn't know how to do it. Most people are used to...
Knowing and exploring ourselves to feel able to express ourselves sexually
Recent studies show that sex toys are used daily by individuals or couples approximately 70% of the time. Thus becoming part of the sexual routine of many couples today, who claim to incorporate the toys to improve them, and it is true that this type of instrument guarantees more fun...
Sex and Veganism. Did my Sexuality change after I became a Vegan?
Days ago someone asked me what changes I had experienced in my sexuality since I became a vegan. At the moment a thousand responses came to my head; physical changes, chemical changes, emotional changes ... because for me, veganism changed my life completely. Not only at the level of food,...
Know your body… draw your own boundaries, enjoy yourself, live yourself and want you to be yours.
Curiosity about my body is something that I think was born with me; since I was a child, even without understanding why, and scared to do things that perhaps other people did not understand, I felt this attraction to know about every part of me, because of the sensations and...
Orgasms – pleasure – knowledge – power .
We have always heard that knowledge is power. in our body it is no different; to know it, explore it and take it to test and discard what we do not like, is also power. it is essential for our sexual health; for our sexual fulfillment to have the power...
My temple!
My body, my temple, my means of expression. Since I was a child I have always felt an immense curiosity about it; many times I felt ashamed, others I really came to feel different from others… Why do you always want to know every part of me in its greatest...