I learned to love coffee, it wasn’t always one of my favorite drinks. One of the beings I love most taught me to enjoy every note in it. My grandmother, no one loves and enjoys coffee more than she does. hahahaha I usually drink it black, with coconut oil, cinnamon and cloves. She also taught me that spices combine perfectly with a good coffee.
In the evenings, I usually change my version of coffee; and then I usually put some vegetable milk, cocoa, or one of my favorite vegan creams… here is the recipe for you to enjoy it too.
It’s very easy, delicious and very healthy.
– 1/2 cup cashews
– 3-5 pitted medjool dates depending on sweetness preference
– 1.5 cup water divided 1 and 1/2
– 1/8 tsp salt
-Soak cashews and dates in 1 cup water overnight (or at least 10 hours).
Pour out water, add soaked cashews and dates with 1/2 cup fresh water to blender. Add 1/8tsp salt (just a pinch) and stevia drops if desired.
Blend for one minute on high until creamy. Chill in fridge overnight for best results. Good for 5-7 days in an airtight container in the refrigerator.